Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4 Critical Money Questions to Ask Before You Get Married

It’s not an appropriate first-date conversation, but if you’re in it for the long haul, finding out each other’s net worth is only fair. When assigning dollar figures (priceless as your significant other may be), be sure to include retirement accounts, investments and debts, as well as checking and savings accounts. Plus, you should share your credit scores, another important piece of the financial puzzle.

If you find that debts severely outweigh assets, or that your partner’s credit score is in the gutter, you’ll want to ask some other questions, such as “How did this happen?” or “What’s your plan to deal?” Unromantic as it may be, you may not want to commit to someone who’s careless with credit, especially if that person has not considered how to fix the problem.

So, before you dash for the door, talk out your issues and see whether you can come up with a plan to balance your finances better. But if your partner’s deep debts came from years of spending beyond his or her means, be ready to deal with this issue for the rest of your life. After all, you can’t force people to change if they don’t want to do it for themselves.

At this point in your relationship, each of you knows what the other does for a living. But you should also talk about what you plan on doing and earning a year, five years, ten years and even 20 years from now.

Consider what it will take to make those plans a reality. Is there room for that kind of growth at your current companies? Or will a move be necessary somewhere down the line? Would more education or training be beneficial? Asking these questions now will help you draw a road map for your future.

You probably brushed over what kinds of accounts you both keep when you tallied up net worth. But you should also dive into the details of where the money sits within those accounts. Sharing this info can help reveal financial attitudes.

For example, someone who pours heavily into emerging-markets stocks is a bit of a risk taker. And someone who invests 401(k) money entirely in a single target-date mutual fund is likely more laid back. Whatever you two discover, be sure your fiscal personalities mesh. Otherwise, you could be in for a bumpy ride, and you might want to get off before it’s too late.

Take a look at your budgets. If you don’t keep one, now’s as good a time as any to get started because you’ll have to make a new one to cover both of you anyway. To do that, bust out the pencil and paper (or Excel spreadsheet) and lay out all of your recent and regular expenses.

Mint.com, which can organize data from all accounts into different expense categories and help you identify the biggest outlays. For example, in a deliciously colorful pie chart, you might see that a big slice of your mate’s budget goes to dining out. Is that a cost you’re willing to eat? Or are your love’s gastronomical desires subject to compromise?

No matter your method, a clearly laid out budget will illustrate the spending habits you both have. From there, you can figure out whether those habits complement each other or if it’ll take some work to make them fit. It’s okay if one of you is more of a spender and the other is more of a saver -- in fact, that’s the way it is with most couples. What’s most important is that you know what to expect from one another and you accept it.

Once you’ve survived your first big money talk, you’re free to spend your lives in love. Just remember, this is only the beginning; throughout your relationship, you’ll want to discuss your finances regularly and update your plans and budgets accordingly.

By Stacy Rapacon, Reporter, Kiplinger's Personal Finance